Bay Area's first-ever K-FEST is right around the corner!
When: July 23rd, 2022
Where: Japantown, San Francisco
Who: KD/SC x SaranghelloSF
About K-FEST
K-Pop has continued to sustain significant influence and impact on California demographics. In particular, fan-bases in the Bay Area have not slowed down with their support and love. It is only fair that their loyalty is repaid through a celebration! However, the Bay Area has not experienced a full-scale commemoration of K-Pop culture. Enter K-FEST, the Bay Area's first ever K-Pop Festival!
What will there be:
- Performances from local dance cover teams
- Random Dance Plays
- Vendors selling merchandise, clothing, albums, stickers, pins, etc.
- Workshops
- Special Guests
And much more TBA...
For Further Questions
Covid Protocols will be provided closer to the date of the event
Parking: TBA